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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

cool haircuts for men 2011

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  • chaosbunny
    May 4, 12:53 AM
    If you ask a graphic designer, it's useless. :)

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  • Kaptajn Haddock
    May 2, 10:44 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; da-dk) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How about fixing the tethering bug. Has not worked since last two updates.

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  • slabbius
    Nov 24, 07:31 PM
    nah. they're just updating the mb/p line

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  • torbjoern
    Apr 15, 05:37 PM
    What will be next? Here are some fine suggestions:
    - Gay Arts
    - Gay Phys.Ed.
    - Gay Comp.Sci.


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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Jan 12, 06:27 PM
    He didn't do it by himself. There was a whole company working on things. The difference is that he had a vision of what should be happening.

    It took smart people in all areas to make Apple what it is today.True but who gets all the millions and stock options? not the workers.

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  • aiqw9182
    Mar 28, 03:37 PM
    If I understand some of you on this thread correctly then it is my opinion that you've missed the point, slightly.

    I don't think that the merits or demerits of the mac app store are the core point here. The store may be good, excellent, bad, poor, draconian, onerous or whatever but Apple is going to award programming and application awards to only those apps that are distributed through their application store.

    Even if you think the store is great, hell even if the store IS GREAT, don't you also feel that it isn't the ONLY way to get quality, well made applications.

    Apple is only promoting application which it profits from AND which conform to its Terms of Service.

    The offensive part for me is just how unapologetic they seem to be showing bias for what makes them money, not with what may be driving the platform or solving user needs/wants.

    I anticipate that some may remind me about Apple's responsibility to shareholders and about being a profitable business and therefore say that it is obvious that they support the apps from which they make a profit. I just think that is an oversimplification of situation and I think this does more to hurt the image of the platform, rather than improve it. It does more to hurt developer interest than it does improve developer interest in the mac platform. Long term, I'd rather see them building an enthusiasm for their products (including the mac app store) for their own merits.

    Not even going to bother reading this because I was NEVER discussing or defending Apple for only picking apps in the App Store. Get your facts straight before you decide to write a book on an internet forum over a discussion that went on for two replies.


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  • Rodimus Prime
    Oct 6, 02:22 PM
    It was a good message until they stated "Before you pick a phone, pick a network." That would be valid in an iPhone-less world. They would still be selling us phones based on a spinning CGI rendering of a phone's outer shell. "Look! A plastic candy bar! You like candy, don't you? Then you'll love our rectangular phone! Brand new features like rounded edges and three colors!"

    Apple changed the game. The device should now be the focus. The service should be an afterthought in the background.

    No the add is right. To many people drool over apple so they go with ATT. If you picked AT&T for the iPhone and knew the service was spotty in your area you loose all right to complain about it.

    The smart people out there first pick a network that offers them the price they want and the coverage. Then your worry about what phone to get. The iPhone is not game changing and it sure as hell is not THAT much better any more with all the other phones hitting the market.

    As for the add that was the exact reason why I left them. Verizon had crappy service out in Lubbock Texas and lied about them moving there network out there. They told us 6 months and that 6 months claim turn was not filled 4 years later of course I left at the end of the first year when my contract was up. I switch to AT&T because service was great there and in Houston so I choose them. I choose a network that works were I lived and spend my time.

    They are correct choose a network then worry about your phone. Apple Fan seem to not understand that.

    I have lived in 4 different rural markets and regularly travel between them. Currently, in NC, Verizon is everywhere since they bought out a couple providers like Rural Cellular and I forget the other one.

    When I left Verizon, they had full bar 3G coverage at my house. They had just upgraded about 3 months before I went with an iPhone. With AT&T, I need to drive almost 20 miles to even find 3G coverage.

    With Verizon, I had a Palm Treo 700 and it was very rare to see even the analog signal at all.

    If Apple would make the iPhone for Verizon, i'd switch back in a blink, even if I had to pay early termination, it's that bad. I typically lose between 20-40% of my calls. There is several dead zones too, that I can't even drive down without losing it.

    Well sorry you have no right to complain your dropped calls. You CHOOSE to go with AT&T for the iPhone knowing these problems are in your area. You ACCEPTED that as part of the problem. I recommend you go back to Verizon as soon as your contract is up.
    The iPhone is NOT that great. Good phone but not some super phone that is poor local network.

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  • JohnnyQuest
    Mar 17, 10:06 AM
    I think grotesque should be a word reserved for murderers and child pornographers, not some dude who got a very cheap iPad due to some employee error. We're pretty much all adults here- there's no need to lecture people on morals and what their personal character may or may not include.

    I think stealing, gloating, and putting someone's job at risk is grotesque. The OP walked out of BB knowing the cashier had made a mistake and decided to keep quiet. Anyone who has a concious would have gone back.


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  • wordoflife
    Mar 24, 03:03 PM
    I never really liked OS X until 10.5.

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  • JoeBlau
    Sep 18, 10:38 PM
    Blogging isn't journalism...Bloggers should be treated as they are - private citizens under no journalistic fact or ethics obligations.

    Actually that is not quite accurate as bloggers are not people.

    In any event, people need to lighten up. The self-righteousness exhibited in this forum would be quite amusing if it was not so sad. CES is one massive, pompous, over-wrought technology advertisement, and you are all crying at some schoolboy prank interrupting some guy's presentation.

    And just to re-iterate, bloggers are non-professionals hacks that should never be taken seriously in any professional media circles.


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  • cynerjist
    Jan 8, 10:40 PM
    Probably. :D BTW, you have a link to that? Edit: nvm I found it on MS's site. (http://www.microsoft.com/events/executives/billgates.mspx)

    i couldn't get anything that's a windows media file to play. here is a link for people with that problem. it has all keynotes as .flv

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  • Eidorian
    Sep 25, 11:24 AM
    You are kidding right? There's a whole guide on "next Tuesday" right here on MR.I was worried I'd have to make one.



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  • iBlue
    Apr 27, 01:07 AM
    Web-surfing baboons might not agree with your assessment, but I'm pretty sure humans would. Those boxes are not supposed to be there.


    The boxes were there for me under Firefox and I was under the impression they were supposed to be. However I was pleasantly surprised to find them no longer there last night, so this must be fixed :)

    It seems so. The boxes are gone. Now for the entire ratings system. :p

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  • dsnort
    Aug 3, 10:20 AM
    I dare you to try and argue against those points.

    :eek: Dare!!??? As in double dog dare!!?? As in triple dog dare with a cherry on top!!?? ( Don't get your bowels in an uproar, I'm only teasing!!:D )


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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 15, 05:33 PM
    One thing I can not see in the pictures is a microUSB slot. It makes it seem unlikely that apple is going to try to follow that everyone else agreed apron. It is nice to be able to in a pinch use some one else charger. Oh and please do not use the adapter crap argument apple could include because that complete defeats the point of using the standard.

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  • ThomasJL
    Oct 19, 05:42 PM
    I am the first person to coin this term: iHome


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  • Rocksaurus
    Oct 28, 05:37 PM
    Isn't a healthy chunk of OS X based on FreeBSD? A free, open source Unix distro? In a sense, if they use FreeBSD and do not contribute back to the very open source community they're borrowing from, doesn't that make Apple a thief? Maybe I'm missing something :o

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  • InuNacho
    Mar 24, 06:59 PM
    While I am glad you're 10 years old OS X, I'm also a bit sad that you abandoned your big brother OS 9 at that truck stop bathroom out in Kansas. No need to be too sad though, I'm sure he's up there in that big computer lab in the sky looking down with that big happy face he always had.

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  • Leoff
    Oct 2, 03:55 PM
    Think about this: Apple is in hot water with some European countries for the "monopoly" Apple has with its iPod and iTunes Store.

    Could DVD Jon's venture help alleviate some of those country's worries?


    Not really. Apple isn't in "hot water" with "some European countries", France has very strict regulations as far as their TV broadcast formats go and they wanted to try and cross that over into the music territory.

    Oct 17, 11:15 AM
    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    I routinely work with video files and animation frames/models/scenes that are several gigabytes in size. Our current back-up solution is an ever-evolving archive on a redundant SAN with rotating tape archives. It would sure be nice to be able to record a project onto a single disc again instead of multiple discs. Because, doing the whole multi-DVD backup of a project is a pain in the arse and I rearely mess with such a thing given the other solutions in place.

    HD-DVD and Blu-Ray are just another evolution of the CD / DVD / optical disc format. Just as CPU speeds and hard drive storage capacities increase, so must the capacities of other types of media.

    As for yoru comment on 1080p displays... All HDTV sets are now in the progression to 1080p with most new '06 model DLP and LCOS rear projection sets now accepting and displaying full 1080p. There are currently 4 plasma displays on the market between the US and Japan that are full 1080p and several LCD models.

    FWIW and I'm not trying to boast too much, I waited patiently to replace my old 36" tube set until 1080p was reality. I finally did so this July and bought the Samsung HL-S7178W - a 71" DLP TV with full 1080p and it's absolutely stunning. Did cost me $3600 on special with another coupon, but that's actually $180 less than I paid for the set it replaced when I bought it about 7 years ago.

    Blue Velvet
    Jan 12, 01:12 AM
    Not smug at all. Thought he comes across as reasonably down-to-earth... Just someone confident in their ability to do a good job and with an awareness of themselves and their qualities. Success does that to people.

    Sep 12, 07:33 AM
    For those who a little confused about Disney.


    Mar 13, 08:07 AM
    No. A new market has been opened by Apple. That is as far as it goes. An iPad is not for everyone. Tablets will never kill off Laptops or Desktops or Servers.

    Wait a while.

    Apr 11, 01:19 AM
    Just bought last week, new addition to my collection. Model 23, Gen 4 .40 cal.


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