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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

cars and girls images

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  • fast cars and girls. fast cars

  • VanMac
    Jan 13, 08:33 AM
    Havent read all the threads, but just thought I would chime in.

    Best darn keynote ever....Ricky Bobby

    cars and girls images. carGirls2.jpg Cars and girls
  • carGirls2.jpg Cars and girls

  • musser
    Nov 26, 05:11 PM
    Look at these numbers. Is that anything to write home about?

    cars and girls images. Cars? Girls? Giveaways?
  • Cars? Girls? Giveaways?

  • bousozoku
    Sep 25, 03:31 PM
    I'm pretty happy that my 15" Powerbook is officially supported to run Aperture now. They must have reduced the system requirements, which might bode well for those of you with faster machines in terms of program performance and speed.


    I don't see any changes. Even in beta, they supported 1.25 GHz PowerBooks and up. How well they support them is always the question.

    cars and girls images. cars and girls pictures.
  • cars and girls pictures.

  • Burgess07
    Apr 29, 02:35 PM

    Damn :(

    cars and girls images. cool cars and girls.
  • cool cars and girls.

  • llahsram
    Oct 17, 10:25 AM
    Blu-ray had initially gained a lot of studio support, but recently Universal Studios has decided to drop initial support for Blu-ray (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,2017527,00.asp).

    This is false. Blu-Ray initially had less studio support. Universal never supported Blu-Ray (which the linked article states, despite the misleading headline), and Warner Brothers and Paramount only added support for Blu-Ray comparatively recently; they were initially HD-DVD only. Universal is now the only studio without Blu-Ray support.

    On the other hand, Fox and Disney are still supporting only Blu-Ray (though there have been rumors of Disney looking at HD-DVD). So for the time being, it's Blu-Ray for Star Wars and Pixar fans -- assuming this is still the state of affairs when the studios release those titles...

    Picture quality should be the deciding factor, and much like VHS vs Betamax, most people apparently can't see any real difference between BluRay and HD-DVD.

    Given the same quality decoding hardware, for most movies they shouldn't see any difference at all. Both support the same codecs (MPEG-2, h.264, and VC-1). The first Blu-Ray discs were encoded using MPEG-2, which produced a lower quality image than the VC-1-encoded HD-DVD discs, but newer Blu-Ray discs are using VC-1 as well. The picture should be identical between the two.

    The only case I could see where the capacity would affect it would be for longer movies like Lord of the Rings, where the encoded video plus lossless audio may reach the boundaries of HD-DVD. We could conceivably see more compression artifacts or the dropping of higher-resolution audio or commentaries on HD-DVD in these cases, whereas Blu-Ray would have more space. But this shouldn't affect most titles.

    cars and girls images. car girl wallpaper.
  • car girl wallpaper.

  • lordonuthin
    Jul 17, 12:15 PM
    yeah the top dsl speed here is 6 mb/s. not really great, but better than what i'm getting.

    i'm really not sure why the speed is so low.

    try http://www.speedtest.net. i just ran it and got 0.81 mb/s. i'm paying for 12.0

    That is a very poor speed, at least I'm getting close to 10 mb/s but paying for 30 I think... $76 a month. These monopolies we have in the US are a drag, they can do whatever they want and the gov does nothing about it. Mine is adequate for all the folding at least.

    cars and girls images. Cars show girls part 01
  • Cars show girls part 01

  • twoodcc
    Nov 16, 01:12 PM
    i just don't see this happening. Intel has better performance, especially in notebooks (correct me if i'm wrong)

    cars and girls images. fast cars with girls. pretty
  • fast cars with girls. pretty

  • JustARumor
    Mar 24, 03:46 PM
    While OS X was a huge step for Apple--and an absolutely critical one--I'd argue that it wasn't the *first* step in their turnaround. That role belongs to the original iMac. By the time OS X came around, more iMacs had been sold than all Macs for the previous several years, and every PC company was trying to copy it with some flavor of their own. It had also revolutionized the peripherals market by pushing USB from being a minor side technology to being the primary connectivity method.

    cars and girls images. Cars amp; Girls
  • Cars amp; Girls

  • bassfingers
    May 4, 07:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    My girlfriend is Chinese and she just doesn't understand our obsession with guns (understandably so). I don't either!

    What are people so afraid of that they need guns to protect themselves from?

    What are you so confident in? That 4-10 minutes IS fast enough to protect you, your daughters, or your property? How dependent should we be on the government?

    National defense, not self defense

    cars and girls images. Cars And Girls, Girls And Cars
  • Cars And Girls, Girls And Cars

  • 63dot
    Mar 4, 06:26 PM
    I'm not sure if this is true. According to investigative reporter Alexander Zaitchik's biography of Beck, he's not a very likable person. He went into the project thinking Beck would be sort of like Limbaugh, who even some liberals like when he's not doing his schtick.

    In his early days, the guy could rant a long time, but in such a weird persuasive way as to not hit the audience with an obvious barrage of conservative garbage like older pundit Rush Limbaugh. This was however before Beck came crashing out of the conservative closet. Now he's all about being a conservative bully, but I don't know how many people remember when he was the likable type of guy who pretended to use reason in his arguments.

    His star rose so fast that now he's bigger than the politicians he criticizes (or at least makes multitudes more) and he knows it.

    I hate to think how many people who were on the fence got influenced by Beck, but I am sure it's far more than previous commentators were able to do. The guy is kind of like a cult leader and while some may listen to Limbaugh or Savage, they worship Beck and keep on asking him to run for president. Though he's certainly not qualified, he could move to some states, run for governor, and easily win. He's kind of like a movie star, and we all know how obviously unqualified movie stars have been able to run for governor in a state and win. I hope he stays out of politics but I have a feeling he has an ego, helped greatly by his mass fan base, which may convince him to go into politics:mad:

    cars and girls images. tuning cars and girls.
  • tuning cars and girls.

  • Sdashiki
    Sep 8, 12:51 PM
    It was the french.

    hate the french.

    cars and girls images. Cars and Girls: Two of the
  • Cars and Girls: Two of the

  • hancock
    Mar 17, 01:57 PM
    When does apple charge your credit card for a purchase? I ordered my wifi 64gb iPad 2 on the day of and used a $450 gift card plus my credit card. The order has gone through and I have tracking info for the case I ordered but not the iPad. The total was $829 but I still have yet to be charged the remaining balance. Have they forgotten to charge me or does it not charge until the iPad actually ships?


    cars and girls images. fast cars and girls.
  • fast cars and girls.

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Mar 24, 03:28 PM
    Well, happy birthday, Mac OS X.

    My my, how you've grown. :)

    cars and girls images. Ever imagine of hot car girls
  • Ever imagine of hot car girls

  • JackSYi
    Oct 4, 02:14 PM
    Thank god. My first MWSF (been saving up for it), with the primary reason being: Steve Jobs.

    cars and girls images. Buddys Girls amp; Cars Classic
  • Buddys Girls amp; Cars Classic

  • zap2
    Mar 7, 10:54 AM
    Android OS has gone through many changes and many people are now starting to feel iOS is getting dated. Android was first with true multi-tasking (iOS still lacks it even though it doesn't kill batteries on Android phones), copy/paste, augmented reality apps and they've implemented a much better notification system than Apple's near useless "block everything you're doing to answer this question".

    I suggest you check our Symbain if you think Android had it beat for multitasking. As far as "true multi-tasking", look if you're unhappy with iOS mutli-tasking solution, then it might be time to leave the OS, because it works just fine.

    Look at the MacBook Air, Rev A. They launched it, then basically forgot about it until the Rev D model which is now one of their top sellers. Will they stagnate there too ? A lot of people thought that "the future of Macbooks!" would actually translate in a few changes to other Macbook lines. It didn't. Look at the Mac Mini.

    Are sorry are you upset that Apple doesn't redo their laptop each time? Yes, sometimes all we are going to get spec updates, not the end of the world, it just makes sense from a business model. "Basically forgetting about it" is just code for only spec updates right?

    cars and girls images. Cars amp; Girls Porsche 911 GT3
  • Cars amp; Girls Porsche 911 GT3

  • zephxiii
    Dec 23, 08:57 AM
    i usually just read these and do not post, but i decided to finally register and join the action. i know the arguement against lte in the iphone for vzw, but i say why wouldnt they? they like to be on the cutting edge dont they? as to the arguement on the original being edge not 3g, there was no 3g android when the original iphone came out now android has a significant share of the smartphone market and they are coming out with lte devices at ces for verizon. why would apple wnat to be so far behind android phones in terms of lte and 3g. i think that if apple were to launch a lte phone in june, then why not just launch it in february? what is the difference in a few months when people will be buying up lte android phones in droves after CES

    Apple usually isn't cutting edge. I mean why wasn't the first iPhone 3g when there was 3G in the US and EU? That and LTE chipsets are kinda new, voice isn't working over LTE yet. It would probably be easier and cheaper to just do CDMA (which Apple is already new at). LTE also might cause a negative effect on batt. life which Apple doesn't like etc. etc.

    Remember all the reasons why the first iPhone didn't have 3g? something about chipsets not mature enough (i disagree), battery life (disagree), and I thought there was something about PCB space too but dunno.

    Hell we haven't seen any job ads for LTE engineers either.

    So no, it most likely will not have LTE, and there has not been any valid hints that it would either.

    cars and girls images. Car And Girl Wallpaper
  • Car And Girl Wallpaper

  • iBug2
    Apr 30, 06:48 PM
    Is there? They're already controlling what can and cannot be sold on the iOS platform (and it is an entire platform now with full-fledged computers in the form of the iPad). They've proven themselves beyond contempt by insisting that in-app subscriptions be the same or lower on the App store than direct, despite the fact that they demand 1/3 of all the selling price. They've added an 'App' store for OSX proper and have the same 30% "grab" for everything on there. They're advertising and bragging about bringing iOS features back to OSX. I'm just doing simple math here. You can make 1+1 = 1 if you say it's a bigger one, but in my world, 2 is still the more likely answer.

    And you are the ones using the words "foolish". I think it's quite possibly a business-savvy solution to ensuring profits stay high into the future. What you or I may want in OSX is irrelevant to both Apple and Steve Jobs. Steve has essentially said that consumers don't know what's best for them and that it takes a visionary to move forward. We know Steve's 'vision' is smaller/thinner/more mobile at almost any cost. So I'm not saying it will happen like that, but that it's looking more likely every day. Only time will tell for sure. But I know if it does happen, I'll no longer have an interest in OSX. I don't want Apple deciding for me what I can or cannot buy or watching developers get 1/3 their gross taken from them (same % as a typical injury lawyer BTW. You don't get paid until they get paid FIRST and your bills 2nd and you last; in this case it would be taxes instead of bills). You can think it's good/fair/right. I don't agree and I don't want Apple telling me I have to use Safari because they don't want Firefox or Chrome competing with them.

    I don't know about that. There will always be a market for faster/more powerful (i.e. most people may drive a Ford Focus or Chevy Impala or Toyota Corrola and hybrids may capture larger and larger market penetration in the future, but that doesn't mean there isn't a market for the WRX, Mustang, Corvette, etc. even if it shrinks over time) and so even if Apple AND Microsoft bail out of traditional computing, that just means someone else will likely take over. They can't make Linux go away, for example. And if people didn't BUY it, the lines would stop. Newton didn't exactly go over so well the first time around....

    Remember what Steve said. PC's as we use today will be like trucks. Yes they will be around but nobody, not you nor me are going to use them.

    And no. Are you currently using a 64 core workstation? I bet not. But they are available. So no, we don't need the fastest even today. In 15 years, an iPad will be more powerful than our 12 core Mac Pro's. And nobody will pick anything up. All computer industry will go post pc devices, because it makes much more sense. They are much easier to use, we hate them now because we can use actual PC's, but most of the population can't. Not just old people, most of the young people have tons of issues with regular PC's as well.

    And don't worry, we won't be too down about it when it finally happens, since it'll happen very slowly.

    Like I said, that's not even the weird part. We won't even have CPU's in our computers, just inputs. :)

    cars and girls images. Hot Girls and Cars
  • Hot Girls and Cars

  • snberk103
    Apr 13, 09:22 AM
    The 9/11 hijackers did not bring anything on the plane that was banned. No amount of groping or searching by airport security would've prevented 9/11.

    9/11 was a failure of intelligence, not a failure of airport security.

    I thought box cutters were banned? Can you provide a link to support your statement?

    cars and girls images. wallpapers of cars with girls.
  • wallpapers of cars with girls.

  • emotion
    Oct 17, 10:17 AM
    As a consumer I'm trying as hard as possible to sit this one out. :mad:

    Which isn't that hard though, let's face it.

    Sep 12, 01:26 AM
    Bloomberg weighs in:

    Sept. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Apple Computer Inc. today may begin selling full-length Walt Disney Co. films online and introduce a new iPod on which to play them.

    Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs will say at a meeting in San Francisco that Apple's iTunes store is adding downloadable Disney movies to its music and television shows, said three officials familiar with the plan. Jobs also may introduce an iPod with a larger screen and more memory to accommodate movies, said analysts including Eugene Munster of Piper Jaffray & Cos.


    Apr 27, 12:37 PM
    So every woman on the pill suspends her womanhood? Every "woman" past menopause is just an empty shell?

    Race and gender is pretty much non-comparable in this context.

    Oh please. Explain to me why race is not a valid comparison?

    Also, feel free to read a few more of the defining characteristics of a mammalian "female"...

    "The mammalian female is characterized by having two copies of the X chromosome as opposed to the male which carries only one X and one smaller Y chromosome."

    I have no problem with transgendered/sexual/vestite/whatever, but to claim you are actually a "woman" when you were born with a penis, have two X chromosomes, and can not, nor could ever produce an ova is ridiculous.

    Just as ridiculous as my original example which you decided to brush away with no basis other than it does not fit with your views.

    Oct 4, 08:53 PM
    I never said it was normal for the "rest of the world". I was simply stating what was normally considered a mansion in the US.

    Which brings me back to the notion of perspective. I'm not trying to get at you. It's just been my experience that a lot of folk from the US don't actually know that they're from the US; you ask them "Where are you from?" and they'll reply Texas, LA, etc. You really sense a lot of people feel like the US is the world, and have never ventured too far out of it. Again, I'm not trying to get at you; you may be the most worldly of people.

    I was just getting mad at the folk who claimed that SJ's house was anything but a complete mansion. It is. US definition or not.

    Apr 6, 10:02 AM

    Bought it yesterday.

    Mar 14, 04:23 AM
    Wait a while.
    I'm still waiting for Laptops to kill Desktops like everyone said they were going to in the early 2000's.

    iPads will sell. So will Laptops. So will Desktops. So will Servers. The iPad will not, and simply cannot replace them all. It's impossible.

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